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Actiavte your inner winner and manifest jackpots with Max Bet Pocket Set! This pocket crystal set us a magnet for abundance, good luck, positive vibes, prosperity, and anything else you need to align yourself with grand prize vibes! This set is self-cleansing & self-charging.


Max Bet Pocket Set Includes:

Jade: Fills your life with incredible luck & protects from misfortune. Take necessary risks to welcome wealth & abundance. Overcome setbacks with a new perspective & positive mindset. Guides you to the "right place" at the "right time".

Tiger's Eye: Gives you courage to open up to receive good luck & fortune. Trust the universe. Believe in your personal power & ability to call in prosperity. Quickly balances mind & emotions so you remain confident & calm. Blocks evil eye & bad intentions so you stay high vibe in any environment.

Green Aventurine: Infuses aura with positivity so you think, feel, and act like a winner. Boost & maintain optimism & good decision making. Increases likelihood of winning no matter the odds.

Golden Rutilated Quartz: Quickly brings big blessings & magic into your life. See golden opportunities & hidden treasures. Links crown chakra & solar plexus chakra so you remain centered, clearheaded, and in control of yourself. Take aligned actions to manifest money.

Dalmatian Jasper: Permanently grounds energy so you feel relaxed & ready for fun. Reminds you to remain grateful, laugh, let go, and enjoy the present moment.

Black Kyanite: Provides powerful protection from negativity. Clears energetic attachments from your aura, slot machine, and poker table. Easily detach from outcome & remain grounded in the present. Amplifies & cleanses crystals in set.

1 Reiki Infused Intention & Affirmation Card

Protected Blessed Black Bag


Focuses on These Chakras



Solar Plexus



Max Bet Pocket Set Intention:

Actiavate your "inner winner" & manifest mega jackpots! Become a magnet for abundance, good luck, positive vibes, and anything else needed to align yourself with "grand prize" vibes. Protects & permanently grounds your energy, so you can relax & enjoy the present moment. Easily detach from the outcome of your money manifestations. Remain centered & patient while the universe works it’s maximum magic for you. Fills your heart with gratitude & quickly raises your vibe. Guides you to take necessary risks to welcome wealth & abundance.


Max Bet Pocket Set Affirmation:

I will always max bet on myself because I am worth it, and I believe in myself.

Max Bet Pocket Set

  • This Divinely guided crystal pocket set is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with specific intentions for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each crystal is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you. We also cleanse every item in your package to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

    Why Do We Infuse Our Crystal Sets with Reiki?

    The crystals, black bag, and intention card have been infused with Reiki to amplify the natural healing energy in the crystals and channel specific healing energy into the entire crystal set.

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