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Natalie - Dallas, TX

"Y'all this magical boo boo set me straight and cleared me like woah!!!! This time I did the long distance, worked like a charm! I feel like my feet are plated back on the ground and I'm floating in bliss. Don't forget about the importance of energy healing. Everyone needs it just like we all need food and exercise. Thanks again Cathryn -!!!!"

Nicole - Concord, NC

Bless! I just wanted you to know I have received your package. Everything is sooooo beautiful! The energy is so amazing and I tell you, I was almost in tears with how beautiful everything is. Thank you so much for everything. I have been sick so this was a nice surprise!... I can't thank you enough!"

Natalie - Dallas, TX

When I found out that Cathryn had the ability to perform hangover reiki, I knew I had to sign-up for a pre and post hangover reiki byt to my delight, the first one did the trick!! I won't get into details, but I def drank a lot and the next day was SO easy that I was able to enjoy it with my family and dogs and just relax. All of the typical hangover symptoms: nausea, headache, anxiety, depression, lethargy... were simply not a part of my celebration."

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