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  • 1 Reiki & Archangel healing infused bumblebee jasper crystal. Average size of crystal is approx 2" x 3.5" each
  • 1 Reiki infused intention card & affirmation



  • Solar Plexus
  • Sacral


Bumblebee Jasper Intention:

Sends strong waves of positive energy throughout chakric system. Clear all blocked energy. Strengthen & trust your instincts. See golden opputunitev & seize them quickly. Combine passion & purpose to manifest destiny. Embrace limitless possibilities. See past false self-imposed limiting beliefs. Teaches you the true magic of manifesting your dreams so you can triumph over anything & manifest the impossible. Go beyond mental & emotional fear. Stop indecisiveness, hesitation & resistance to change. Stimulate mental activity. Increase mental clarity & acuity. Promotes positivity. Improve logic. Increase motivation & willpower. Boost self-confidence, courage & endurance. Inspires creativity. Achieve in areas specifically suited for your inner spirit. Renew & enhance zest for life and desire for new adventures. Encourages being honest with yourself and taking necessary risks in life. Experience authentic happiness & joy. Celebrate life's small moments. Heal abdominal issues. Ease allergies. Helps nervous & circulatory system.

A Manifestation Crystal


Bumblebee Jasper Affirmation:

I celebrate life with an open heart & manifest my highest intentions.

Large Bumblebee Jasper

  • This crystal is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each crystal is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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