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Heart Of The Matter Includes:

  • Lapis Lazuli



  • Heart
  • Throat
  • Third Eye


Heart Of The Matter Intention:

Manifest heart's desires. Harmonize heart & mind. Reveal & express inner truth confidently. Promotes self-awareness & self-acceptance. Stop self-doubt. Attract affection of others & bring harmony to relationships. Encourages open & honest communication. Activate, clear, and energize throat & third eye chakra. Balance & align all chakras. Blocks negative energy & banishes negative thoughts. Intensify intuition, channeling & deep meditation. Dissolve all barriers to enlightenment. Stimulate higher mind. Sharpen intellect & memory. Strengthen critical thinking & problem solving. Prompt the desire for truth, knowledge & understanding. Aids learning. Assists with active listening & combats hearing loss. Eases migraines. Lowers BP. Supports and heals thyroid & immune system. Treats throat illnesses. Helps recovery from heart disease.

Heart Of The Matter

  • Our handcrafted earrings are infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each pair of earrings is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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